President of Maldives holds cabinet meeting underwater!

Held in 2009, this meeting highlights the goal and objective of this blog better than any other. As I state in the “About” section, the purpose of this forum is to facilitate “…the creative, imaginative, provocative articulation of environmental ideas through artistic expressions.” Although this is often done in documentaries, photography and art exhibits, it is rarely done within the realm of science, research and climate change policies.

This demonstration by Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed, intended to bring attention not only to global warming and rising sea levels but also to the people and communities these devastations will affect, was nothing short of brilliant!!!

The Maldives is the lowest-lying nation on the planet, with 400 miles of coastline and one of the world’s most densely populated capitals. As sea levels continue to rise due to climate change, it may well just become the first nation of climate change refugees. President Nasheed’s underwater meeting then was an attempt to capture the world’s attention by creatively displaying the reality of climate change. Unless significant strides are made towards reducing greenhouse gases, life will imitate art and Maldives will be underwater! And not only Maldives, but at least 43 other island states have also announced that without swift global action against climate change they too will face eradication.

Old news you say???

Well such reflections are most poignant now when given in juxtaposition with recent video footage of melting icebergs in Argentina.

Although this is not a rare incident and polar icecaps have been rapidly melting in the Arctic for years now, it is momentum that here this image is caught on tape. As we marvel and wonder at the magnificence of nature and her power, we must also remember the power and potential of humans for destruction and devastation. 

So the next time you are sitting in rush hour traffic, pass an industrial power plant, turn on the lights in your home or simply power on the television, picture this…and ask yourself if it’s really worth it???    

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